Israel is experiencing its most horrific period in its modern state history. Our small country is in great pain but we can tell you first hand that Israel's response is not of self-pity and panic, but of action, community support, proactive initiatives of support to our amazing Israel Defense Forces, financial and psychological help to its victims, and lots of love and compassion.
Yes, we need your help too! Everyone here and abroad wants to help us but most do not know how. Firstly, pray often for our brave soldiers and incredible citizens. This country was created through miracles and acts of G-d. It is time for another chapter. We need his help now. Please pray now and often.
Secondly, below is a small list of the many, many organizations that are going at full strength and need more help. There are many more, but for any of you that are looking, these are some excellent options. They all have options for US tax deductible receipts. Please give now whatever you can.