Meet the Family

Welcome to the Kosher Casual Family. We are a caring and professional staff that is united to create an easy and gratifying shopping experience. We are also very committed to having a warm and friendly environment both for our customers as well as our own workplace. It is always nice to see the faces behind the names. Feel free to give us a call. Feel the love!

  • Gary Swickley

    The Boss

    • Deludes self that he can still run marathons.
    • Has a love/hate relationship with olives.
    • Makes his own beer "Brew 42".

    You miss 100% of the shots you do not take. - Wayne Gretsky

  • Devorah Ohayon

    Web Experience and Digitial Media Manager

    • Once met and spoke to Dustin Hoffman and his wife in a convenience store in London, England 
    • Must listen to at least one song of Freddie Mercury every day!
    • Traveled to four different countries in one day!

    Chocolate solves everything!

  • Ronnie Hakimian

    Production/Logistics Coordinator

    • Fav food- Wife's Lemon Meringue
    • Drove with my family from England to Israel in 8 days through 7 countries.
    • Big fan of George Michael music

    Don't judge people by the first impressions

  • Gary Green

    FBA Warehouse Manager 

    • Billy Joel stayed at my house when I was a little boy
    • Fav food -Mushroom pizza and gummy worms (not together :)). 

    Although in life,  it's good to be open-minded, since I've been working at Kosher Casual I've become much more "clothes-minded" - Gary Green

  • Esther Ivgy

    All Things Amazon Manager

    • No matter how long I live in Israel, I will always be a New Yorker.
    • After growing up listening to my parent's recordings of Moroccan music, I married a Moroccan Israeli.

    When one door closes, another one opens. Too many people keep looking back at the closed door to see the open door ahead of them.

  • Leanne Wacks

    Fashion Consultant

    • A fashion designer that feels blessed to be working with the best people (especially those that are from South Africa LOL!)
    • One can never have enough clothes!

    You are never too old to set another goal or to dream a new dream!

  • Ahuva Hochhauser

    Warehouse Assistant

    • An ice coffee a day keeps me happy!
    • Living in Israel has always been my dream.

    A smile always brightens the day!

  • Laurie Gates

    Online Brand Manager and Images Coordinator

    • Favorite movies: Wizard of Oz and The Hunt for Red October
    • Bucket List: To visit Spain, Prague and Eilat!

    Finding a career you love is like a glitter storm in your soul. The whole world can see you shine.